"When I created the Knot Genie detangling brush, my vision wasn't worldwide recognition, being featured on the Today Show, or being written about by thousands of bloggers. It all started because I was frustrated - I was done spending hundreds of dollars a year on hair products in my attempt to tame my three daughters’ different and unruly hair types. I still have vivid memories of running away from my mother's hairbrush, which led to a childhood with chopped off hair and people thinking I was a boy because my name is Rikki!
I was determined to create better memories for my daughters. I wanted to develop a quality detangling brush that would detangle unruly hair and bring more peace to our home. With this vision and the help of a few product designers, the Knot Genie was born!

Finally, a detangling product that does what it says it will - helping to not only detangle hair, but also to increase children's independence. A brush that is effective, yet gentle enough that even children with sensory issues want to use it. A product that has gone from a means to help children to one that adults and hair styling professionals can't live without. My goal is to continue to strengthen the bonds between parent, child, and one’s self by building confidence and independence."
- Sincerely, Rikki Mor, Founder of Knot Genie